
Samstag, 28. April 2012

Mulanje Mountains / Sapitwa Peak (3002m)

The last days I spent with hiking in the Mulanje Mountains ... I really enjoyed that trip! The Mulanje massif is the highest elevation in Malawi. It is located in the south-east of the country and borders to Mozambique. It is also proposed to become a world heritage site! The highest peak is called *Sapitwa Peak*, which means "Don't go there!" ... but this is just a old myth ... the local people here in Africa are thinking, that ghosts are living on almost every mountain and even hill ... however, today a lot of people are enjoying the beautiful nature, the rural life on the huts and the seclusion on the plateau ... as I did!!

I hired a guide and a porter and discovered this awesome plateau for the last three days. We cooked on an open fire and ate all together from one plate while sitting on the ground. The meals are very simple ... some chicken, meat or dried fish with Nshima (it's just water with mais flour steered to a thick paste) ... the people here are eating this every day and especially in the mountains ... because it's easy to made, it's cheap and the ingredients are lasting for a long time! During the nights it is getting very cold up there and so we slept around the fire ;-) ... that was a really cool experience! The huts are quite nice ... every hut has a so called *watchman*, who takes care for the hut.

At the second day we reached the summit and we had a really great weather ... *lucky me* ;-) ... the days before the weather was not that good ... so nice greetings from Sapitwa Peak / Malawi ... and enjoy the pics!!

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