
Freitag, 13. April 2012

A few days on the beach

After the safari at Kruger Natioal Park I went directly to Mozambique. I left the tour in Nelspurit / South Africa and changed to the Minibus to Maputo / Mozambique. So, this was my first experience in traveling by bus here in Africa ... and jep, it's a real challenge ;-) ... In Maputo I stayed only two nights ... just for relaxing a little bit and planing my further trip ... and of course for searching some Geo-Caches ;-) ... it's a quite nice city, however it's time for a few days on the beaches of Mozambique ... therefore I got already some advices from Iris and Andi ... and so I landed at Tofo-Beach and Vilanculos ... that are really very nice hotspots for swimming, snorkeling and diving ;-)

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