
Samstag, 21. April 2012

A trip to Boroma Mission and Cahora Bassa Dam

Iris and Andi have taken some days of vacation, so that we can make a short trip together. Our trip started on Monday and leads us to the northwest of Mozambique to the province of Tete. Due to the fact, that the way to Tete is very long, the road out from Beira is really horrible and we do not want to stress ourself - we are on holidays ;-) ... so we splitted up the trip into two days. So on the first day we drove to Chimoio and slept there in a Lodge. On the second day we cruised up to Tete (it is a really nice road up there ;-)

Tete is the biggest city in northwest of Mozambique which is located at the Zambesi river. It is not a typical touristic place, but from the economical point of view Tete is a very important city for Mozambique because the biggest hydroelectric power plant of Africa - the Cahora Bassa dam - is located here ... and a few years ago they found a big coal reservoir, which is directly under the city ... so they are thinking about  to re-locating the whole city ... that's really crazy, isn't it!?

Due to the relationship to the UCM, we visited the University and we were already awaited by the director! He knows a lot of people there and so we got a private guide for Boroma and he organized also a guided tour for the Cahora Bassa dam.

We started very early next morning. Andreas had a short appointment at the University and had to pick up the guide for Boroma. Meanwhile I went with Iris for a *real* cup of coffee somewhere in town ... we really enjoyed it ... and just before we are finished, a guy came to our table and offered us some gold ... that's no joke!! ... he had a big gold nugget (22 karat) and about 40g raw gold ... that's also very crazy, isn't it!?

So now we are on the way to Boroma ... there was no more a paved road, but only a graved road ... we passed by some small villages and drove through dried river beds ... it was really nice ... but than it happend!! ... a small transporter touched us and scratched up our car on the right side ... SHIT!!

So there was recently a discussion on what happened and people came from everywhere to look what's going on here ... the driver was not the owner of the car and of course the car was not insured :-( ... so we took some photos and made an appointment with him in the afternoon to clarify the whole situation ... this stupid accident took us a couple of hours ... however it was another new experience, not only for me but also for Iris and Andi ... and in the end everything will be fine ... I hope so ;-) ... but that's another story which will be published by Iris and Andi soon!!

Our visit at Boroma Mission was - of course - overshadowed by this stupid accident ... however, the place is very beautiful ... it is an very old Catholic Mission, which was built by the Portuguese at the end of the 19th century. The church is located on a small hill with a nice view to the Zambezi river. It's hard to find some information about the mission, but I found another blog from Janet and Luc.

So back in Tete we had to clarify the situation with the car ... as already mentioned above, it tooks us a couple of hours ... however we decided to go to the Cahora Bassa lake today and so we headed directly into the sunset and half of the way we had to drive in absolute darkness ... that was also a nice experience ... the twilight is really cool, the stars were coming out on the sky and along the road a lot of fires appears ;-)

The Cahora Bassa Dam is the highest dam and the resulting artificial lake is the fifth biggest in whole Africa ... it was built in the 60ties by the Portuguese and is since 2007 property of Mozambique ... it is really amazing what they have built there ... and we also got a guided tour inside the dam ... so there is a big tunnel in the mountain, where you can drive down to the bottom - where the turbines are installed.

On Friday we made a fishing trip at the lake ... of course with the aim to catch a big Tiger-Fish ... and jep, we caught two 2kg Tiger-Fishes :-D ... which was of course our dinner for today ... mmmhhhh, it was delicious!

... and in-between ... of course ... I watch out for some Geo-Caches ;-)

So that was it already from Mozambique ... Iris and Andi are going back to Beira ... and I try to get a Visa for Malawi at the border.

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