
Samstag, 12. Mai 2012

Changing the plan

It's always the same when you are on holidays ... the time is passing by too fast!! The first half of my trip is almost over ... and I have two more destinations left on my list (Kilimanjaro and Zanzibar) ... before I wanna go back to South Africa ... to Cape Town. However, I finally recognized that it is too much for this trip ... so both of them are not possible, not in this short time I have left ... and I am also a little bit annoyed of travelling by Minibus ;-)

So what should I do?! ... maybe a few beer make the decision easier ;-)

Due to the fact that I already climbed the highest peak in Malawi and I am a fully qualified diver now ;-) ... the decision was quite easy! I skip the Kilimanjaro and go straight to Zanzibar ... enjoying the beaches and discovering the underwater world of the indian ocean!

There is so much to do here in Africa ... you cannot see everything in 14 weeks ... but anyway, I will come back to Africa in a few years ... and I am sure the Kilimanjaro will be still there then ;-)

So let's go to Zanzibar ;-)

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