
Samstag, 16. Juni 2012

Okavango Delta

The next highlight on our tour was the Okavango Delta in Botswana. It is a large inland delta, formed where the Okavango River reaches a tectonic trough in the central part of the endorheic basin of the Kalahari. All the water reaching the Delta is ultimately evaporated and transpired, and does not flow into any sea or ocean. Each year approximately 11 cubic kilometres of water spread over the 6,000-15,000 km² area. Some flood-waters drain into Lake Ngami.

The gateway to the Delta is a small little town called Maun. It is located at the southern end of the delta ... a beautiful area, where a lot of lodges and mokoro stations have been established. Due to this fact the tourism in the delta has grown and Maun has gained more and more importance in the past years.

Our 3-day delta tour also started from a lodge near Maun ... so for the first part we took a motorboat and then we changed to the small and fancy makoros. These small boats are traditionally made by digging out the trunk of a large straight tree, such as an ebony tree or kigelia tree. However, these trees are protected since a few years and so modern mokoros are made of fibre-glass. The boats are propelled by so-called *polers*, who stand in the back and pushing the mokoro with a pole through the shallow waters of the delta. The boat trip was really nice and relaxing ... and the *polers* were very friendly and funny ;-)

Our camp was on an island in the delta. So we had to put all the stuff for three days into the makoros (tents, dishes, food and so on ;-) ... we had only limited space for our luggage thus we could take just the necessary things (camera, mosquito spray, swimming shorts and a few bottles of wine) with us the rest we had to leave behind. The location was very nice ... we had a lot of space for our tents, a big fire place for cooking and sitting around in the evening and there was also a nice swimming spot nearby (but the water was quite cold ;-)

During our stay in the delta we had two walking safaris where we discovered the delta on foot. The countryside and the wildlife in the delta is amazing and I really enjoyed our stay there.

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