
Donnerstag, 7. Juni 2012

Canoe-Safari @ Lower Zambezi River

So, what to do in Lusaka? Nothing! It's just another big, crowded and dirty city, where you cannot find anything of real interest. However, I have a few days left before I will go to Livingstone / Vic-Falls ... and after five days in the train I need a quite location, somewhere out of the city. The best place therefore seems to be the Lower Zambezi River, which is about three hours from Lusaka by Minibus. So I decided to go there for a 3-day Canoe-Safari on the river.

We were four people on the trip, two girls from Denmark (Amalie and Katrine), our Guide Tkay and me. It was really very nice on the river and we saw a lot of Hippos, Elephants and Crocodiles. We slept in tents somewhere on the islands for two nights. In the evening we cooked together (Tkay was an excellent cook),  we sat around the open fire with a bottle of wine, had some smalltalk and watched the starry sky.

... but now it's time for the *great* Victoria Falls :-)

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