
Samstag, 31. März 2012

... getting ready ... und tschüss!

The past weeks I used to manage and organize all the necessary things and tried to get everything into the right place (sleeping-bag, term-a-rest, mosquito net, toiletries and a bunch of drugs ;-) ... so my backback is finally ready for the trip ... it weights about 16 kg and the camera bag has also about 5 kg ... phuu, that's heavy! Nevertheless, I cannot leave any of that things back at home ... they are all necessary ;-)

So it's time to say goodbye! Thanks everybody for attending the *farewell*-party yesterday, having some smaltalk and drinking a last beer together. It was a nice evening ... I really enjoyed it ;-) ... and of course thank you for all this important things ... I am sure, I will need everything on this trip :-D ... maybe I should try to find some Geo-Caches with my new GPS-device :-D

btw ... for all Geo-Cachers ... I have published my first cache "Berti goes Africa", which is related to my Africa trip ... check it out, if you did not have it already ;-)

So, bye bye ... and see you all together in about 14 weeks!!

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